From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA Mat Rempit is a term for "an individual who participates in illegal street racing", usually involving underbone motorcycles (colloquially known as Kapcai) or scooters. Not all Mat Rempits are involved in street racing; some of them perform crazy stunts for fun, such as the wheelie, superman (lying flat on the seat), wikang, and scorpion (standing on the seat with one leg during a wheelie).
Mat Rempits usually travel in groups and race in bustling city centres on weekend nights. In recent times, Mat Rempits have been linked to gangsterism, gang robbery, street fighting, assault, vandalism, theft and bullying. Most motorcycles used by the Mat Rempits do not meet standard specifications, or have been modified extensively for greater speed, or just to make the exhaust noisier.
Additionally, some Mat Rempits do not have valid motorcycle licenses, do not pay road taxes, and ride stolen motorcycles. A growing number of housing estates have also been turned into racing tracks. It is estimated that there are about 200,000 Mat Rempits in Malaysia.
In some other countries, the term Mat Rempit is also used, but more to refer to one as a motorcycle lover or rider (Mat Motor), as opposed to an illegal motorcycle racer. Sometime the terms of Mat Rempit misused to refer any individual who rides an underbone motorcycle. Related to this is the Mat Konvoi, which claim to be the non-racing version of Mat Rempit.
This is the definition that i obtained from Wiki and truly shown that what a Mat Rempit is.For me,Mat Rempit not only means that but they're a group of people that is brainless with their poor skill in driving a motor.Besides,they will modify their motor into some kind that is not suit for a human being but a DEVIL.They thought through their modification can make them feel more COOL and enhance their HANDSOMEness.In fact,it won't help up and seriously,i look down on this type of people.
First,you guys looks YUCKS when i saw this type of people and make me look down at you.You guys not deserve any respect from me.
Secondly,the sound made from your motor interrupt most of the residents' life and make them can't sleep well.Bang...Bang...Bang...hope you guys will hurt BOOM in the meantime!
The most important issue is you guys harm the safeness of the road's users.You guys just like a ''blind'' motorcyclist man,even there are obstacles in front but you won't dodge too.I believe that a true blind motorcyclist will drive better than you.
Hope that all the MAT REMPIT know that...
''a road is a road and it's not a place for performance.Impossible that you asked a singer sing in the middle of the road unless he/she is a pathy.So are you a pathy too?''
Recalled back few months ago,there's a case happened in my hometown that a girl that just graduated from my former secondary school had been bang by a MAT REMPIT.Unfortunately,the innocent girl had died and i don't think that the MAT REMPIT get caught or caught but no punishment taken place.
It just make me felt frustrated after reading the news!
''Others life is not in your hand and please don't harm those innocent one.''
I wish someday Malaysia Government will find the best way to eliminate those MAT REMPIT just to prevent more innocent life gone like this.
I wish someday Malaysia Government play tough with those MAT REMPIT and those MAT REMPIT got to pay a severe penalty.
I wish i wish and i wish...
Here is some pictures showing those ridiculous action by our Malaysia's MAT REMPIT...

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